How to Make PowerPoint Slide Backgrounds In Photoshop (PPT Size/Format?)
Microsoft PowerPoint is perfect for creating a presentation. Adobe Photoshop is the top choice for graphic design. What's better than one powerful app? Two top apps brought together! Great PowerPoint slideshow use advanced graphics designed with Photoshop. When properly sized, it's easy to use Photoshop to great slide backgrounds for PPT presentations . Get a head start with this pattern from Envato Elements. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to set a PPT slide size in Photoshop. This helps you design supplemental graphics in Photoshop. You'll also see the best premium templates (from Envato Elements) with the PPT slide size for Photoshop already set for you. GraphicRiver is another great option with preset slides if you're concerned about PPT slide size . Let's learn more! Where to Source Perfectly Sized PPT Slides (With Unlimited Downloads) For the savvy graphic designer, this tutorial features all the information you need to set the PPT slide si...