How To Make an Instagram Story Video in Premiere Pro— With a Free Template
Whether you are promoting your own brand, creating content for a client, or just making Instagram Stories for fun, templates can help save you time—and keep your visuals looking great. In this tutorial you'll learn how to use Envato Elements and free Premiere Pro templates from Mixkit to quickly make simple, attractive Instagram videos. Quick and Easy Instagram Stories Video Templates Pro-Grade Templates From Envato Elements: Unlimited Downloads Free stuff is great, but sometimes you might want a more advanced template; check out the premium templates at Envato Elements , where everything is included in one subscription. Elements includes everything you need to make videos, like thousands of templates and millions of stock items like photos , music , video clips , fonts , and creative courses from Envato Tuts+ . Here's a highlight: Instagram Stylish Stories With Instagram Stylish Stories you are provided with five vertical story templates (1080...