The HTML Treasure Hunt

Here are my slides for The HTML Treasure Hunt, my keynote at the International JavaScript Conference last week. They probably don’t make much sense on their own, unfortunately, as I use slides as pointers for me to ramble about the subject, but a video is coming soon, and I’ll post it here.

Given that one of my themes was “write less JS and more HTML”, feedback was great! Attendees gave me 4.8 out of 5 for “Quality of the presentation” (against a conference average of 4.0) and 4.9 for “Speaker’s knowledge of the subject” (against an average of 4.5). Comments included:

great talk talk! reminding of the basics we often forget.

amazing way to start the second day of this conference. inspiring to say the least. great job Bruce

very entertaining and great message. excellent speaker

Thanks, that was a talk a lot of us needed.

Remarkable presentation. Thought provoking, backed with statistics. Well presented.

Very experienced and inspiring speaker. I would really like to incorporate this new ideas (for me) in my code

I think there’s a room full of people going to re-learn HTML after that inspiring talk!

If you’d like me to talk at your event, give training at your organisation, or help CTO your next development project, get in touch!.

from Bruce Lawson's personal site /2019/the-html-treasure-hunt/


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