Designing with Motifs

I love the way Erik Kennedy talks about digital design. Very practical and understandable. Have a listen to a chat with him we had on ShopTalk.

One of his latest blog posts is titled "The #1 Way to Spice Up Your Designs (And Create a More Cohesive Brand)" and it's about something he pegs as more of an intermediate (beyond the basics) level design tip about the idea of motifs.

In music, that might be a bit of a melody that asserts itself periodically and kinda informs the rest of the song. It's equally interesting in design, where a theme — perhaps a geometric element — is sprinkled in tastefully that helps the gestalt. Ties the room together, as they say.

Anyway, if you're serious about getting better at design, his course is where it's at and opens up in mid-June. So, now's the time to think about it.

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