Reading List 232
- Link O’ The Week: Privacy Preserving Ad Click Attribution For the Web – a very interesting proposal by Apple WebKit engineer @johnwilander, already an experimental feature in Safari Technology Preview 82+.
- Cake or death: AMP and the worrying power dynamics of the web by Andrew Betts. Excellent read.
- W3C and WHATWG to work together to advance the open Web platform – Winners will be web developers who don’t have competing specs claiming to be The Truth. And if WHATWG will take some of the accessibility & authoring advice from W3C specs, we all win. *If*.
- reducing motion with the picture element – do this if you use animated GIFs
- CSS Grid Generator by Sarah Drasner. (Explainer)
- Meet the Flexbox Inspector – avoid the “Flexbox Pit of Despair” with the new Firefox devtools
- A Model for WordPress Accessibility by hunky Uncle @aardrian
- Learn Docker in 12 Minutes – nice YouTube video introducing Docker
- Compiling C to WebAssembly without Emscripten by Das Surma
- First American Financial Corp. Leaked Hundreds of Millions of Title Insurance Records – Insurance company makes 885 million bank account numbers, statements, mortgage & tax records, Social Security numbers, wire transaction receipts, and drivers license images available to anyone with a Web browser with no authentication. Oops.
- It’s the middle of the night. Do you know who your iPhone is talking to? – “Apple says, “What happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone.” Our privacy experiment showed 5,400 hidden app trackers guzzled our data — in a single week”, using 1.5 GB of data a month
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