Creating a Rabbit in Blender: Part 1
1. Setting up Model Reference Images
Step 1
Open Blender. Press 3 on the keypad to go to side view. Press Shift-A then add Image > Reference.
Step 2
Select the reference image.You'll find the reference images attached with the tutorial.
Step 3
Align the side reference by pressing G then Y and grab it to the right side.
Step 4
Put the reference little behind so it doesn’t intersect with the modelling process later.
Go to front view by pressing 1 on the number pad. Press G then X and grab it to the left.
Step 5
Set up the front reference view. Press Shift-A then add Image > Reference.
Step 6
Select the reference image.
Step 7
Go to side view by pressing 3 and then do the same for the front reference. Press G then Y and then drag it to the right.
Step 8
Align the reference model to be above the ground. Select both references and then press G then Z and set the reference feet to align with the green line.
2. Modeling Shapes
Step 1
Start by selecting and grabbing the Cube to position it towards the head. Select the cube then press G then Z and grab it upwards until it aligns with the centre of the head.
Step 2
Go into edit mode using the shortcut Tab.
Step 3
Press W and select Subdivide.
Step 4
On the bottom left side you should see a Subdivide dropdown. Click to expand it and increase the Number of cuts to 2 and Smoothness to 1.
Step 5
Go to front view by pressing 1 on the number pad and press B to select everything on the left side. Press X to Delete Vertices.
Step 6
On the right side select the Modifiers Tab and Dropdown > Mirror.
On the mirror Modifier, put a tick mark on the Clipping. This makes every vertex, that connects to the centre, to stay at the centre location.
Step 7
Add another cube. Press Shift-A and select Cube.
Step 8
Press W to subdivide the cube, 1 on the Number of cuts and 1 on the Smoothness on the dropdown settings.
Step 9
Press B and select everything on the left side. Press X and Delete Vertices.
Step 10
Hover the mouse cursor to the vertices and press L to select connected vertices and press S to scale the vertices.
Ensure the Pivot Point is set to Median Point.
Step 11
Press G and to grab the vertices and align it accordingly using your mouse.
Press W to subdivide it one more time.
Step 12
Hold down Alt-left mouse button on an edge to select it an edge loop.
Press S to scale it up.
Step 13
Press B to box select the other vertices.
Step 14
Press S to scale them up to match the reference.
Step 15
Press 3 to go to the side view. Press L and hover your mouse over a vertex to select all connected vertices.
Step 16
Position (G) and Rotate (R) along the X (Left or right), Y (Front or back) or Z (Up or down)-axis accordingly.
Step 17
Add a new cube using Shift-A and selecting Cube.
Step 18
Press W to subdivide the cube.
Step 19
Scale (S) and position (G) the cube towards the middle of the body reference.
Step 20
Press W to subdivide the cube to give it even more vertices.
Step 21
Press S to scale the cube and then press Z to scale it on the z-axis (up and down).
Scale it accordingly.
Step 22
Select one of the vertices, hold down Shift and then select another vertex.
Step 23
Turn on proportional editing, the red circle in the picture, and on the drop down tick the mark box for Connected Only.
If unticked, other unconnected vertices will also be affected.
Step 24
Grab the vertices down along the Z-axis (Press G then Z).
Note: The circle is the area of effect for any transformation or rotation for any selected vertices.
Step 25
Expand the two vertices using scale (S) and dragging the mouse away from the middle point.
Step 26
Go to front view by pressing 1 on the number pad and select the vertices in the red circle in the picture above.
Step 27
Scroll the middle mouse button up to narrow the area that proportional editing affect.
Step 28
Drag the mouse away from the centre point to scale the vertices.
Step 29
Hover over to the edge loop in the picture above and select it by holding down Alt and left mouse button and then scale it.
Step 30
Keep adjusting the vertices until it looks like the reference.
Step 31
Do the same for neck (Spherical Shape) by adding a cube, subdividing it two times and scale some vertices.
Step 32
Insert a new Cube using, Shift-A, to make the ears.
Step 33
If at any point of this tutorial that you encounter this sort of situation in which a vert won’t budge and stays at the centre and won’t move towards the left or right (red circle), just untick Clipping and you’re good to go.
Step 34
Subdivide (W) it two times and scale (S) it down in the (Shift-Z) X and Y-axes.
Step 35
Shape the ears by moving vertices.
Step 36
This is how it looks from side view.
In the next part of the tutorial series, I'll show you how to create hands and legs to complete the body modelling process.
from Envato Tuts+ Tutorials
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